Jam.py documentation

Lookup lists

Now we create a lookup List “Status”.

Select the “Task” node in the project tree and click the Lookup lists button.

Lookup lists

Click the New button and specify the new lookup list name and add a list of integer-text pairs:

Lookup list entries

Save the Lookup Lists dialog and open the “Contacts” journal to add the “Status” field

Status field

and set the Lookup values attribute to the “Status” lookup list:

Status lookup field

And finally, before saving, open the “Customer” field and set the Required and Typeahead attributes. When the Typeahead is checked, typeahead is enabled for the lookup field,

Customer attributes Customer typeahead attribute

set Default value of the “Contact date” field to “CURRENT DATETIME”

Contact date field default value

and Default value of the “Status” field to “Contact” selecting them in the drop-down lists.

Status field default value