Jam.py documentation

Lookup fields

Now we will create the “Contacts” item.

Select the “Journals” group in the project task tree and add a new journal in the same way that we created the “Customers” catalog.

First we add the “Contact date” field of the “datetime” type and then “Notes” fields of the “text” type.

Let’s add the lookup field “Customer” field that will store a reference to a record in the “Customers” catalog.

Adding Customer field

To create a lookup field, after specifying its caption and name, we need to select a lookup item. Select Lookup tab and click the button to the right of the Lookup item input

Cutomer lookup tab

and double click the record to select it.

Selecting Customer lookup item

The same way specify a lookup field.

Lastname lookup field

In the same way we add the “Firstname” and “Phone” lookup fields. For this fields we specify the “Customer” field as their Master field attribute.

contacts_firstname.png Phone lookup field

Click the “OK” button to save the “Contacts” item.

Contacts sql

As you can see, there are no “FIRSTNAME” and “PHONE” fields in the “CRM_CONTACTS” table. This is due to the fact that we have set Master field attribute of these fields to “Customer”. The “Customer” field will store a reference to a record in the “Customers” catalog and that record have the “Fisrtname” and “Phone” fields.

When we refresh the project page and click the New button we’ll see that there is a small button to the right of the “Customer” input.

Customer input

When we click on it and select a record in the “Customers” catalog the fields “Customer”, “Firstname” and “Phone” will be filled.

Customer input selected