Jam.py documentation


message(mess, options)

domain: client

language: javascript

class AbstractItem


Use message method to create a modal form.

The mess parameter specifies the text or html content that will appear in the body of the form.

The options parameter is an object with the following attrubutes:

  • title - the title of the form,
  • width - the width of the form, the default width is 400px
  • height - the height of the form,
  • margin - use the margin attribute to define margins of the form body
  • text_center - if true, the body tags will be centered, the default value is false,
  • buttons - an object that define buttons that will be created in the footer of the form, keys of the object are button names, values - functions, that will be executed when button clicked,
  • button_min_width - the min width of the buttons, the default value is 100px,
  • center_buttons - if true, the buttons will be centered, the default value is false,
  • close_button - if this value is true, an application will create a close button in the upper-right corner of the form, the default value is true,
  • close_on_escape - if true, the form will be closed, when user press Escape, the default value is true,
  • print - if this value is true, an application will create a print button in the upper-right corner of the form to print the body of the form, the default value is false

The method returns a jquery object of the form. To programmatically close the form pass this object to hide_message method.


The following code will create a yes-no-cancel dialog:

function yes_no_cancel(item, mess, yesCallback, noCallback, cancelCallback) {
    var buttons = {
        Yes: yesCallback,
        No: noCallback,
        Cancel: cancelCallback
    item.message(mess, {buttons: buttons, margin: "20px",
        text_center: true, width: 500, center_buttons: true});
    '<a href="http://jam-py.com/" target="_blank"><h3>Jam.py</h3></a>' +
    '<h3>Demo application</h3>' +
    ' with <a href="http://chinookdatabase.codeplex.com/" target="_blank">Chinook Database</a>' +
    '<p>by Andrew Yushev</p>' +
    {title: 'Jam.py framework', margin: 0, text_center: true, buttons: {"OK": undefined},
        center_buttons: true}

the result of the code above will be:

Message methos example