Jam.py documentation

Form options

For each type of form an item has an attribute that controls the modal form behavior:

This is an object that has the following attributes, specifing parameters of the modal form:

  • width - the width of the modal form, the default value is 560 px,
  • title - the title of the modal form, the default value is the value of a item_caption attribute,
  • close_button - if true, the close button will be created in the upper-right corner of the form, the default value is true,
  • close_caption - if true and close_button is true, will display ‘Close - [Esc]’ near the button
  • close_on_escape - if true, pressing on the Escape key will trigger the corresponding close_form method.
  • close_focusout - if true, the corresponding close_form method will be called when a form loses focus
  • template_class - if specified, the div with this class will be searched in the task templates attribute and used as a form html template when creating a form

The edit_options has a fields attribute, that specify a list of field names that the create_inputs method will use, if fields attribute of its options parameter is not specified, the default value is a list of field names set in the Edit Form Dialog in the Application builder.

The view_options has a fields attribute, that specify a list of field names that the create_table method will use, if fields attribute of its options parameter is not specified, the default value is a list of field names set in the View Form Dialog in the Application builder.

The width of the modal form, created in the following example, will be 700 px.

function on_edit_form_created(item) {
    item.edit_options.width = 700;